• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Shammi makes simple rock paper scissors interesting to watch

Shammi makes simple rock paper scissors interesting to watch

Shammi makes simple rock paper scissors interesting to watch

All of you are welcome to this new blog titled Shammi makes simple rock paper scissors interesting to watch so stay with us In this blog, we will talk about a game called Rock Paper Scissors. I know you must be wondering what is the point of talking about it. This is a simple game, we have played it many times.

You are absolutely right it is a simple game but only when we and you play it and not for Shammi. Shammi used to make every simple thing special in his own way, like this once he made this game special. So how did Shammi make this game special and why did he play this game, we will know all this further.


And till then do you know when your favorite prankster started his career, if you do not know and want to know, then we wrote a very good blog on this topic, You can know about this from that blog. We have given the link to that blog at the bottom of this paragraph.

Now let’s start with how Shammi made that simple game interesting to watch. So in the beginning Shammi, Jaden, and Michael Fallon were talking in the kitchen. While talking, Shammi remembers that Michael’s birthday is coming this week. After this, Shammi tells Jayden and Michael to think of their own way to celebrate the birthday.

They will get a minute to do this, and after that, all of them will choose a plan by doing rock paper scissors among themselves. All three of them come together thinking in their own way, and suddenly Lacci comes there, Shammi also includes him in it.

Shammi wins the last match of the rock-paper-scissors game

After this everyone tells their own way, at the very first time Shammi tells that according to him he should go to 12 pubs in 12 hours so that he can drink 2 beers in each pub. Then Michael tells that in his way, he will start drinking from 9 pm and will drink throughout all night till he falls asleep after getting tired.

After Michael, Jayden says that we will start at 5 pm and have a drink few drinks, everyone is laughing at Jayden’s way, he does not like Jayden’s method at all. Finally, when Lacci is asked, Lacci says that according to him, strippers should be called, on which everyone believes that this Lacci is calling for himself on the pretext of a birthday party.

After listening to everyone’s methods, the game of rock paper scissors is played to choose one of them. First of all, the match is between Jayden and Michael, in which Jayden easily won and I tell you that Jayden plays the best of three at the behest of Michael.

After this Jayden competes with Lacci and Jayden also defeats Lacci easily finally there is a match between Jayden and Shammi. Who will decide in whose way the birthday will be celebrated Jayden’s way or Shammi’s?

Shammi wins in this match and this is the funniest part of this video To enjoy it you should watch the video given below. And with that, this blog ends I hope you liked my narration thank you.

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